Microsoft Power BI reports: 5 of the best options
Power BI is a valuable tool created by Microsoft to enable businesses to gather, analyze and visualize the data they produce in their daily operations. Nowadays, it is increasingly important for businesses to understand the data they generate to be competitive and optimize costs and resources. This means it is critical to have effective data […]
Which IoT cloud solution should you choose and why?
Nowadays cloud computing has become a necessity and it is no longer a question of whether businesses need it or not. Businesses should choose a provider, however, there are various options on the market. The top three that stand out as top three cloud providers are Azzure, AWS, and Google Cloud. But even with that […]
What are the three key features of Microsoft Power BI?
Business Intelligence (BI) is a framework for the optimization of business processes. In recent years, advanced companies have been widely adopting it due to its numerous benefits. BI allows companies to access, review and share the insights provided by the data generated in day-to-day processes, enhancing productivity. This allows companies to reduce costs, optimize operations […]
Which are the Top 5 Tools for Business Intelligence (BI) Reporting?
People interested in professions in business intelligence (BI) need to be conversant with certain software tools, much like a handyman requires a toolbox full of hammers, nails, and screwdrivers. Business intelligence includes the processes, plans, and resources that organizations employ to gather, prepare, and examine data. Based on the insights discovered, BI may help organizations […]
What are the top 5 most lucrative use cases of AI until 2025?
With every year, AI and ML become more mature and well rounded. At the same time data quantity and quality grow at breakneck speeds. What does this mean for the future of your business? We recently got a peak at the forecast for global revenues of different fields of AI (see below). Naturally, this got […]
What is The Role of The Digital Twins Model in The Industry 4.0 Revolution
The concept of a digital twin has been around since 2002. However, it has only recently become cost-effective to execute thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT). The internet has been buzzing with the catchphrase “Digital Twin”. It assists bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds in the age of Industry 4.0. The […]
The rise of Quality 4.0 in Manufacturing
The fourth industrial revolution, sometimes known as “Industry 4.0,” has emerged as a result of recent technological advancements. It’s a revolution fueled by the exponential expansion of disruptive technologies, as well as the changes they bring to the workplace, labor, and markets. In the context of Industry 4.0, the term “Quality 4.0” in Manufacturing refers […]
Industry 4.0: What Would the Next Industrial Revolution Look Like?
Due to the digitization of production, we are on the edge of a dramatic change in the way we manufacture products. This transformation is so compelling that it has been named “Industry 4.0” to signify the fourth manufacturing revolution. The first industrial revolution identified by water and steam power was just the beginning of a […]
How to increase executive confidence in AI-assisted decisions
AI-driven solutions are businesses’ key preferences when it comes to optimization. Or is it? Despite today’s businesses’ increasing expenditures on artificial intelligence (AI), the C-suite’s belief in AI may be hit or miss. Is it just that CEOs are wary of a new and unproven technology, or is there anything more to it? Executives have […]
How to Get Returns from AI Investments?
Now that the AI buzz has worn off, the technology’s major problems are focused on making profits rather than finding out how to make it helpful. AI can offer great value for many enterprises, thanks to the expanding number of AI professionals and machine learning services. When it comes to AI, however, corporations frequently fail […]